Finally, we tested and confirmed another working MTN 150MB free browsing code which rocks faster than the MTN Game plus trick and renewal is very easy.
Recently, MTN introduced a new service known as the Mblog service, which lets users make friends with people around their area and also get chance to broadcast their blogs with friends every day. It’s a service that favors most webmasters or blog owners.
Without much say, I’ll quickly brief you guys on how to go about this tweak. It’s very easy, all you’ve to do is to follow the procedure explained below and you’re gamed.
How to Activate the MTN 150MB free cheat code
  1. To opt-in for the MTN Mblog service, to subscribe, simply MBW to 50017, you’ll get a confirmation message and would be rewarded with 150MB free data for the service.
  2. After that, get your VPN applications, maybe psiphon, netify or netloop and configure using the below settings.
Proxy Type: real Type
Proxy Server: http:// or
Real proxy Type= inject , direct or default
Real proxy server= empty
Proxy port= 8080 >>save settings on handler >> go to the internal option of the VPN and setup the host address and port as detailed below.
Host address:
Port: 8080
  1. Remember that your mobile network settings would use the default MTN APN which is, while the IP or Proxy address would be and port 8080.
  2. That’s all. Connect and enjoy.


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